From physiology, behavior, histology, imaging, to cutting-edge microscopy and data-analysis, we are kept busy while always experimenting new exciting methodological evenues!

A fully-equipped BSL2 laboratory is used to deliver various neuronal actuators and tracing tools.

Electrophysiology is used to record, image and interfere with neuronal activity in vitro.

Fonctional investigations include: in vivo optogenetics and calcium-imaging, electromyographic recordings and various motor tests (open-field, treadmill, catwalk,...)

Our work also has a strong use of histology techniques, including vibratome and cryostat sectionning, immunohistochemistry on tissue sections but also whole-brain clearing techniques.

Data analysis requires various skills interfacing programming, statistics, computer vision, and deep learning-based tracking.

We utilize a variety of microscopes, including epifluorescent, confocal and light-sheet microscopes to characterize and reconstruct labelled cells and circuits.
Seminars & congresses
Lab members are actively participating in local and international meetings, presenting their work on posters or with talks.

Social events